President of AMMRA
National Laboratory Animal Center (NLAC), NARLabs, Taiwan
The Asian Mouse Mutagenesis Resource Association (AMMRA) is a family of institutions and scientists with rodent expertise from within Asia and Australia. For more than a decade, AMMRA has always been a friendly and passionate ally devoting to sharing knowledge, exchanging resources, and promoting biomedical research. To facilitate international operation, each member functions as a local representative for other AMMRA members to assist tasks. AMMRA is also missioned to global connection by working closely with the consortiums such as IMPC and IMSR.
I always ask people, “What is the distance between friends in Asia?” My answer is “a movie away.” By flight we are only one movie away from each other, and I truly believe by working together we are only a move away from a brighter future. AMMRA is committed to promote, to assist, to enrich, to ensure research, and ultimately to embrace the beauty of life.